To bring some sense of order to the task of homeschooling we stumbled across lap booking. Lap booking is defined as:A lap book is an inexpensive portfolio
or collection of mini-books, flaps, and folded display material, that provides interactive space for drawings, stories, graphs, graphics, time lines, diagrams, and written work, from any topic, unit study, book you choose,
gathered, glued, and creatively displayed in a colored standard sized cardboard folder, often folded in a “shutter-fold” that fits in your lap. (
I bought a book on the topic based on the Five in a Row method (FIAR). This method focuses on the theme book for five days in a row. The book gives us direction, but for Braelyn is a little low leveled. I can however augment the items and challenge her in a way that public schools would not be able to accomplish.
Sadly for us the Five in a row on Corduroy turned into a two in a row as Miss Smarty pants breezed through the learning! Lesson learned--mommy. Next week is based on Goodnight moon. So far this method brings my ADD into check. I do have to prepare the lap book (layout) before hand. I am still conflicted with the correlation between the state and federal standards. I want to create a check list to be sure that she is learning everything the public school children are. I know she is learning tons that they are not.
So far the lap book helps keep an idea or theme going and on track. It also serves as documentation of what she has learned and a great review tool. She sees it more as a toy!