Thursday, March 17, 2011

Runaway Bunny and St. Patrick's day

We covered the Runaway Bunny this week for our lapbook.   At CHEE the science class stared talking about the states of matter, and we added in St. Patrick's day just for fun.

Muzzy-Spanish has been a great success and I think we may keep the program.

The phases of matter has been super esay to reinforce, she had ice cube races with Daddy and then I made the solid (ice) disappear (evaporate)and she was thrilled to see the gas float out the door.  Making jello also helped to reteach the states.
We started with a solid
 Then made a liquid
and the rest of the water made a gas.
I am still not sure if the finished jello will be considered a solid or a liquid-hopefully she will not ask!
Daddy and Braelyn made a bunny salad-which ended up looking more like a Chihuahua head.

Best of all a good friend sent a card for St. Patrick's day and it was right on time.  Braelyn actually opened and read it so many times we had to tape the fold because it was starting to tear.   We added all of the stickers to her lapbook for the week so she can keep them.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gemini-Christian Clown Ministry

Today (Thursday) we had our Friday Fun outing. 
Gemini the clown came to visit the Easley Library.  Gemini reminded us that 'we don't do magic!" and all of the fun things were great tricks.

Braelyn even go to help with the ribbon trick. We sang Old man Noah built and Ark and all of the funny creatures made noises.

He even gave all the kids a balloon creation to take home. There were mermaids, monkeys in trees, dogs, bears, Spiderman, and Mario. Braelyn got a Princess wand and Mommy got a flower.  Braelyn went back to get a weenie dog for Tricia.  

When she took a nap this afternoon she was laughing and giggling  in her sleep--priceless!

It was a great time planned by Social events for Upstate homeschoolers. (you can find them on face book)

Here is the  contact information for Alakazam Family Entertainment featuring Buttons,Gemini and friends:
Jim Barnes,Manager
3300D N. Main Street-PMB-181
 Anderson SC 29621

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Pizza Inn Field Trip

Braelyn attended her first field trip.
Social Event for Upstate homeschoolers planned a Pizza Inn tour and pizza lunch in Easley.

While waiting she played "Spot the Jo-Jo's"--the cartoon character that is the face of Pizza Inn.

The kids made their own personal pizzas, then enjoyed the tour.  We saw the 3 tiered pizza oven, the GIANT dough mixer, and the machine that spreads the dough. 

The refrigerator rand freezer were large and cold. 
All of the kids enjoyed making and eating the pizza as well as the surprise chocolate chip pizzas and the coupons for a free kids buffets on our next visit.

Pizza Inn also has a great feature on their site.  for pizza games and coloring pages.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Living Education--Apples Here

This week we covered Apples Here by Will Hubbell

This is a great book written in simple sentences with beautiful artwork.  The A.R. level is 2.2, but it can easily appeal to younger kiddos.

We did several plant and insect realted activities, as well as themed snacks each day.  Here is the nectar smoothies and plant parts review all in one yummy treat.  Who knew studying and reviewing could be so yummy?!  Just don't tell her she is learning!

and the plant parts review

We also are observing an apple seed that is sprouting, learned the parts of a seed by staining and dissecting a few and made apple prints. This book also touched on the seasons which we will cover more next week.  We added new snack recipes to our themed recipe book.