Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Top Mommy Tips

Here is what I did today-
to keep the kitchen cooled off I made mini meat loaves in a mini loaf pan and put it on the grill outside, then I grilled off a box of turkey burgers and a bag of peeled shrimp.

 I have minimal cooking to do the rest of the week with my major meal elements done.

I can only manage about a week at a time--the once a month thing takes a good deal of coordination.

I am looking for YOUR MOMMY TIPS-ideas time savers and tricks--I will pick the best, based on comments and reward the winner with a spa basket full of lotions, bath goodies and products!

Pass this along to your friends!  We all could use a treat or two!


  1. Good idea making the meatloaves on the grill. Once an element was out on our oven and Mom forgot and made up pizza. She fussed for a few minutes about forgetting and then baked them on the grill. One got a little burnt but they turned out pretty good! :-)

  2. Teach your children well!

    By the time they are three they should be picking up after themselves (make it a game, sing the cleanup song from Barney) Then at three they should have assigned chore/chores. They should be simple and easy to complete. Give praise when the
    job is well done!

    A 5-8 year old can sweep, take out trash, help clean bathrooms, clean out refrigerator, dust.....

    By the age of 9 they can be washing dishes, loading dishwasher folding/doing laundry.

    By age of 12 they should be helping in the kitchen and should be able to prepare several meals on there own.

    This will not only help you, It will teach responsibility and build self esteem.

  3. We all LOVE ice cream, but I dislike the high amount of sugar in it...instead, I keep frozen fruit in the freezer and almond milk in the fridge. When we get a craving, I throw some frozen fruit in the blender, pour almond milk in (about half way up the fruit) and blend!! It tastes way better than the ice cream and is so much better for us!! :)
